This year, Motovolta will dedicate all its efforts and benefits to the Association Pilotos Capacitados, a public organization driven by motorcycling enthusiasts, for whom their disability is not an obstacle to continue enjoying the world of motorbikes, both on the road and in the countryside.
This collaboration represents a new adventure for The Frog that we undertake with great energy and optimism since from the beginning the deal with the organization has been so close and ambivalent that we have become part of the Motovolta family without hesitation. This year the organization has rethinking its concept of Motovolta Catalunya to focus attention on each of its provinces. The provincias series consists of 4 independent events and the first to be held will be the Motovolta Barcelona 2019, which will take place on May 11, 2019.
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[:es]La rana salta a la Vanguardia [:en]The frog jumps to the newspaper La Vanguardia[:]
Tuesday March 5th, 2019
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[:es]¡CONFIRMADOS EN VIVE LA MOTO 2019![:en]Vive la Moto 2019 Barcelona[:]
Wednesday March 20th, 2019
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